الإعتماد الأكاديمي للكلية العسكرية التقنية من الهيئة العمانية للاعتماد الأكاديمي وضمان جودة التعليم


Institutional Standards Assessment (ISA)

Call for Public Submissions

Institutional Standards Assessment (ISA) Review Details
Name of HEIMilitary Technological CollegeType of EQAISA
Notice Publication Date

14 January 2025

Public Submission Link https://www.oaaaqa.gov.om/External-Quality-
Further Informationwww.oaaaqa.gov.omOAAAQA ContactTaiseera-RD@oaaaqa.gov.om

What is a Public Submission?

The Oman Authority for Academic Accreditation and Quality Assurance of Education (OAAAQA) undertakes reviews of the activities of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), for all External Quality Assurance (EQA) activities under its remit. These include General Foundation Programme Quality Audit (GFPQA), Institutional Standards Assessment (ISA) and Programme Standards Assessment (PSA). As part of their deliberations, the Panels undertaking these reviews invite submissions from interested parties.


Who may make a Public Submission?

Anyone with direct knowledge of the HEI under review may make a comment.

What should be commented on in a Public Submission?

Submissions may cover any issue relevant to the HEI’s ongoing review by OAAAQA. The submission should address, however, aspects of activities or systems that may assist the Panel in forming conclusions about the HEI’s performance. It must contain specific evidence for any claims being made as a Panel is not able to pursue vague statements or allegations.


Can a Public Submission be made at any time during an HEI’s review?

Submissions may only be sent within one month from the date of publication of this notice.

How is a Public Submission lodged with OAAAQA?

Submissions should be sent via the link given at the top of this notice.

What information must be provided with a Public Submission?

    • Identification: Submissions must include the name, position, organisation or workplace (if any) and the contact details of the person or group making the submission.

    • Contact: The person or group making the submission must be willing to participate in a telephone interview with the Panel if deemed necessary.

    • Evidence: The submission should address aspects of the [HEI’s] activities that assist the Panel in forming conclusions about whether standards have been met. It should contain specific evidence for any claims being made. Vague statements or allegations are not pursued by the Panel.

    • The submission should not refer to personal grievances or single out individual members of staff within the HEI under review as the Panel has no mandate to address grievances.

    • The submission (excluding corroborating evidence) should be no more than 1,000 words.

    Will the HEI know the identity of those making a Public Submission? All submissions are confidential. This means that while Panels may use the information provided in a submission, they are not permitted to reveal the source of the comments. As information is only used in the formation of general comments on an HEI’s performance, and not for the purpose of pursuing specific grievance, the Panel will not make any response or report back to those making the submission

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